Informational Hearing - Navigating Threats to California Agriculture - Continuing the Discussion
March 19, 2024, 9:30 a.m., State Capitol, Room 112, Sacramento, CA 95814
- Background: California Department of Conservation - Williamson Act Program Overview
- Background: California Department of Water Resources - SGMA
- Background: California Energy Commission - Renewable Energy for Agriculture
- Video Recording of the Hearing
Informational Hearing - Navigating Threats to California Agriculture
August 29, 2023, 1:30 p.m., 1021 O Street, Suite 2100, Sacramento, CA 95814
- Agenda
- Background: California Department of Conservation - Williamson Act Overview
- Background: California Department of Food & Agriculture - Food Safety & Security Overview
- Article: Wall Street Journal: Investors Bought Nearly $1 Billion in Land Near a California Air Force Base. Officials Want to Know Who Exactly They Are
- Article: New York Times: The Silicon Valley Elite Who Want to Build a City From Scratch
- Article: Christopher Cabaldon - CalMatters Guest Commentary: California needs to step up after shadowy land deals near Travis Air Force Base
- Report: Homeland Security: National Infrastructure Protection Plan - Agriculture and Food Sector
- Video Recording of Hearing
Informational Hearing - U.S. Farm Bill: Update for the 2023 Reauthorization and Its Impact on Californians
March 7, 2023
- Background: Congressional Research Service - Farm Bill Primer
- Background: U.S. Farm Bill - Title Summaries
- Witness Handout: Secretary Karen Ross, CDFA - Priorities Letter
- Witness Handout: Dr. Dan Sumner, Former USDA Agriculture Economist - U.S. Farm Bill Background
- Witness Handout: Ian LeMay, President, California Fresh Fruit Association - Priorities Letter
- Witness Handout: Ian LeMay, President, California Fresh Fruit Association - Final Policy Reccomendations
- Witness Handout: Michael Delbar, California Rangeland Trust - Priorities Platform
- Witness Handout: Mary-Ann Warmerdam, Sr. Vice President, Rural County Representatives of California - Priorities Letter
- Video Recording of Hearing
Informational & Oversight Hearings 2009-2019
For Informational, Oversight, or Bill hearings visit the Senate Media Archive, it contains a searchable video archive of Senate Floor Sessions and Senate Committee Hearings that have been televised as of September 27th, 2005. If you are interested in video for dates prior to September 27th, 2005, please contact the State Archives at 916-653-2246.